Wednesday, March 23, 2011

inspiration: pretty planters

Male and Female Bust Vases from Floral Art LA

I love these matching his & hers flower planters. If you watched "Secrets from a Stylist" last weekend, you may recognize them from Bob & Joy Cho's home. I'm on a porcelain-anything kick, and I love succulents (they were one of the "flowers" at our wedding), so I'm totally lusting after these (are they porcelain? I'm not sure, but they're pretty either way). Can you see them in action in the background? Wish I had a better shot of these little guys.

Photo by Laure Jolie
They're from Floral Art LA, but since I don't have $300 for these rad little vases, I'm scouring the web for more affordable options. They sort of remind me of Jonathan Adler's Utopia line, so I started there, and though they are only mildly more affordable (and not quite the same), they're still really cute.

If you missed Joy's episode, you can read her recap of the experience on her blog, Oh Joy. Stylist Emily Henderson also has some nice insights into the episode on her own blog. These planters are just one of the awesome things going on in the living room/dining room (case in point: the couple's new credenza), so check out the episode if you get a chance.

Did you guys catch the episode? Are you with me on those cool planters?

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